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5 Healthy Reasons To Consume Omega-3's

Rod Janz • March 14, 2020
Do you eat two or three servings of fatty fish a week? Are you getting enough omega-3’s in your diet? If you are on a health quest, the health benefits are incredible! 

Studies show that eating fish and consuming omega-3‘s fights heart disease in several ways.*  

1_ The omega-3 fats in fish protect the heart against the development of erratic and potentially deadly cardiac rhythm disturbances. (that’s me!) 

2_ They also lower blood pressure and heart rate, improve blood vessel function, and, at higher doses, lower triglycerides and may ease inflammation.*  

3_ The American Heart Association and others suggest that everyone eat fish twice a week.* 

Another study... 

4_ "Dietary omega-3 fatty acids are incorporated into cellular membranes of ALL tissues. The extent of incorporation into tissue membranes is dependent on dietary intake." The old adage "you are what you eat" is never more true when it comes to omega-3's and because the body doesn't produce them, they have to be consumed in our diet. 

5_ That same study says that whether you get your omega-3’s from fish, or supplements, or food that has omega-3 added to them they all improve your cell function.  

So, if you are on a quest to get healthier I invite you to eat more fish - at least once or twice a week and/or find a really good supplement.  


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Healthy Weight Loss
Are you looking for a real food healthy diet and a little bit of coaching and accountability? Contact us and let's start a conversation about your needs. We have a simple program that might be a good fit for you. 

Would you like to help other's improve their health through coaching? Again, we would be happy to have a conversation with you. 

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By Rod Janz July 29, 2024
Flexibility and Stretching for a Healthier You!
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